Missionary Reflection

Missionary Reflection

Dr William Cutting

Click here for the video….. https://youtu.be/i36f6v6i5Gg

Dr William A M Cutting was born in Chikballapur, Karnataka, South India. His father Cecil Cutting was a doctor at the CSI Mission Hospital, Chikballapur, and his mother Eleanor a teacher there. A generation earlier, his William’s grandfather (also) William Cutting, with his wife Jane, were also London Missionary Society (LMS) missionaries in Ranikhet, and later Varanasi. 

After qualifying as a doctor, William and his doctor wife Margot worked as LMS medical missionaries at CSI Campbell Hospital, Jammalamadugu, AP,  where William specialised in tropical child health and nutritional rehabilitation, and Margot ran the TB unit.

On returning to the UK, William taught at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and later at the Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh, Scotland. 

After six years at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the Tropical Child Health Unit of the Institute of Child Health, Great Ormond Street, he was appointed to the Department of Child Life and Health of the University of Edinburgh with special responsibility for international paediatric trainees. He also acted as consultant with WHO, UNICEF, British Council etc. His research interests were wide. At one time he was responsible for two small international teams. In Bangladesh they studied zinc supplementation and catch-up growth in malnourished children, and in Zaire, HIV infection in children. His work provided him much interesting international experience as well as many contacts and friends.

After retiring in 1998, his wide clinical and pastoral interests turned to the many and varied needs of the elderly. He started to collect material, write for and befriend a circle of older people. The paediatrician metamorphosed into a concerned, amateur geriatrician.

William has written a series of books in retirement: 3 in a series called Face the Future, celebrating Seniors; and another called Dementia: A Positive Response. [https://onwardsandupwards.org/william-cutting/]  

2 of William and Margot’s 4 children were born in India, and all of them have gone on to pick up medical and missional vocations in various ways.